User talk:Jtneill

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geez, it's not easy to find one's way into conventional editing of a talk page on WE Jtneill 02:36, 25 March 2008 (UTC)


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Every article that is education related should be on wikieducator.101:55, 21 June 2008
Thanks!003:10, 18 June 2008
Demo of template on a talk page101:46, 12 June 2008
(Randy Fisher)302:40, 23 May 2008

Every article that is education related should be on wikieducator.

I am reverting the changes you have made to scholarship page and every other page. Every education related article should be on wikieducator.

Minhaaj (talk)01:49, 21 June 2008

I disagree, especially with pasting without acknowledgement, but I have no interest in revert warring. The community can decide.

Jtneill (talk)01:55, 21 June 2008

I just wanted to thank you for your help on the OER Handbook. I really appreciate it.

Sgurell (talk)03:10, 18 June 2008

Demo of template on a talk page

Edited by another user.
Last edit: 01:40, 12 June 2008

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Mackiwg (talk)13:18, 10 June 2008

Welcome to WikiEducator. It's great to have you on board! There are currently 80,293 users on WikiEducator and you've just made that one more!

I'm a WikiNeighbour and I'd like to extend a warm welcome to our community. We'd like to get to know you a little better, so when you get a chance - please take the time to tell us a little about yourself by filling out your user page.


Chat to you soon.

Help on getting started with Wiki editing

There are a couple of resources on WikiEducator to help you get started. You obviously have an account already and may need a little help with the basics of wiki editing.

If you're like me and only read the instructions when you have a problem :-) - there is a quick start set of guidelines which should get you going.

If you have any questions please feel free to join our discussion list on Google groups which is a good place to get help from the community, or drop me a note on my talk page below.

Jtneill (talk)01:46, 12 June 2008

(Randy Fisher)

(Comment.gif: Hi James - what kinds of things do you need to know, about putting your materials on WikiEd - what are your interests for collaboration? --Randy Fisher 17:52, 20 May 2008 (UTC))

Jtneill (talk)20:17, 22 May 2008

Hi Randy, thanks for message; At this stage I'm trying to work out some basic stuff, such as how to run a talk page. I'm a bit confused - e.g., I found your comment on my user page, tried to shift it to my talk page, but now can't seem to edit my talk page "properly"?? Any suggestions? Jtneill 08:19, 22 May 2008 (UTC)

Jtneill (talk)20:19, 22 May 2008

(Comment.gif: Re> Last Question: Please share with me your specific interests - and let's see what we can do to facilitate the achievement of your objectives / goals - --Randy Fisher 11:27, 22 May 2008 (UTC)))

Jtneill (talk)23:31, 22 May 2008

Hi JT,

Yes, the talk pages are a bit problematic....I have some trouble with them too.

It might have been that we were both editing the page at the same time....I find what works really well, is just do a "Refresh" everytime you go to a page, so you get the latest version...

Are you on skype - I am wikirandy.... we can talk.... - --Randy Fisher 14:40, 22 May 2008 (UTC)

Wikirandy (talk)02:40, 23 May 2008